Every year, hundreds and thousands of MBA aspirants take the GMAT, which makes it one of the most competitive exams globally. To crack this test and bag an impressive score, you must commit to a foolproof study plan to ensure that your GMAT preparation is complete and effective.
Designing an effective study schedule is probably the most overwhelming part where most B-school aspirants tend to feel confused. And understandably so. However, do not lose sleep because here we are to guide you through!
As we already know, a solid study schedule is dependent on certain variables such as –
- The target score
- The score at which you will start to begin gauging your performance
- Your work schedule
- Schedule of the school
- Commitments made to the family
We will precisely highlight a few points to help you build an effective study schedule for GMAT, by keeping all these factors in mind.
GMAT is all about gauging your management skills. Hence, stressing yourself to stuff in information is just useless. Preparing for GMAT is just like a long journey for you that will help you to develop your analytical skillsets, concentration, tenacity, and more. So, take one step at a time. Furthermore, you have to make calculated decisions; if need be, mark up the calendar, divide your study time, and concentrate on each section accordingly.
Devote adequate time for practice tests and be on-the-nose about every little detail
“Procrastination is the thief of time”, and that is why you have to be vigilant regarding using time judiciously. Set up reminders or ask someone to help you stay on course with the detailed study schedule. Allot time for specific topics every day, and schedule your study sessions; also, say no to any kind of distraction.
Building your knowledge is perhaps the most critical part of making an effective study schedule for GMAT
It will start from day one and continue until the end of your preparatory stage. Get a precise idea of what GMAT is or what type of questions you are likely to face. You can take a diagnostic test to see where you stand, as in your strengths and weaknesses. Analysis of the result is critical for you will understand how much improvement is needed, which sections need your undivided attention, and more.
Go through each section repeatedly
Remember, you will need time to prepare, so do not go out of touch with practice sets. MBA aspirants who crush GMAT big-time spend at least one-twenty hours or more in total. For example, you are spending one-twenty hours on average and wisely schedule your time throughout, say, ten weeks then the calculation is simple you will be spending twelve hours every week for study sessions including classes and tuitions taken for GMAT. Furthermore, if you keep three to four hours separated for self-study, you can take a day off to rest as well.
Students often complain that they cannot find adequate time for the GMAT preparation.
The solution to this is – even if you have twenty minutes of break time utilize it to prepare. Take breaks reasonably, maybe go through the concepts, look at procedures to handle critical reasoning, or a few sentence corrections in five minutes won’t do any harm, right? So, it is not as hard to find out time as you think, use every minute. Take out time on weekdays to sit for online assessments to gauge your performance.
Only study and no rest will drive you nuts so, do not do it
Take some break, get a cup of coffee or something, and get back to studies. You can take a quiz having only eight questions; it will not take more than sixteen minutes. You can take a break of three minutes and then again come back and review the result. Suppose your study time is one hour long, then it is advisable to take a stretch break for one minute and repeat the procedure. Rest is a vital factor when it comes to preparing for the GMAT since your brain needs to assimilate the information that you are feeding it continuously. This way you will be able to retain better and make the most of your study schedule.
Final Words
Make sure to attempt the mock tests after the completion of a whole week because this way you will be able to evaluate your progress. Each practice test requires some time so, Saturdays can be pretty convenient don’t you think? The rest of it, you know you are smart enough to handle like a pro.